It is not easy paying off credit cards. The banks do not want you to get out of debt. They need you to continue spending like the rest of society. They need you to give the least possible payment every time. They need you to pay whopping sums in finance charges each month. The following contains tricks to help you get out of debt by paying off those banks.
Quit Using Your Cards
This is the primary thing to do to get out of debt. You want to restrain yourself. Our society is built upon credit and the banks that supply it. Quit squandering cash on stuff that is unnecessary. Sacrifice those little things that are unnecessary to help get out of debt.
Do you have dinner in restaurants when you can just as easily have it at home? Do you spend money on new clothes when you do not need them? Do you go out to the theater instead of watching DVDs at home? To get out of debt you need to sacrifice some of the unnecessary things.
Take your cards and hide them somewhere in you house. Do not keep them with you when you leave. The lure of using them will be gone if you do not carry them. This is the first thing to do to get out of debt.
Pay As Much As You Can Each Month
If you give the least possible payment every time it will take forever to get out of debt. The minimum payment mainly includes the finance charges that you owe that month and does close to nothing to pay off your debt. If you only have one card, you should being sending about three to five times the minimum to get out of debt faster.
If you have more than one, there is an easy trick to get out of debt. First, organize your credit card bills by the finance charge rate. Pay off the card with the highest rate first while maintaining the minimum on the others. After the first one is paid, use the cash set aside for it on the next highest finance rate. Doing this will keep your finance charges as small as possible; helping you to get out of debt.
Example: If you have six cards. The minimum payment on them is $30. You have reduced your expenses to afford $350 per month. You want to pay just $30 on the cards with the low finance rate and the other $180 on the largest. After the largest is paid off, use that cash leftover to pay on the next one. You are now paying $210 on this one and getting out of debt.
These are only a few tricks to help get you out of debt. Next time, I will give you some more tricks for paying off your credit cards and help you get out of debt.
(sumber: Reed)
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